verb: to grow luxuriantly.
When applied to humans, this verb has multiple meanings including:
to achieve success
to be in a state of activity or production
to reach a height of development or production
I love growing orchids. Some people have an opinion that orchids are difficult, stubborn, and too choosy to deal with. However, these frequently misunderstood plants simply need the proper environments and ingredients to allow them to flourish.
For me, learning is the same way. When I am provided with the proper environment and ingredients, I know I can personally and professionally flourish. The bachelor's program is one step in my life which will allow me to flourish.
This program has helped me to reach a new height of development because it has forced me to examine and learn about areas in nursing that were formerly unknown to me.
As I took courses such as nursing theory, global nursing, community nursing, research, and health care policy, I was able to expand my thinking and apply these concepts and ideas to nursing in a new way. My new way of thinking about nursing has helped to re-invigorate my interest in the profession and inspired me to continue on with my education in nursing instead of pursuing the plans I had in place when I first entered this program.