Portfolio Presentation: Chester Wheeler, RN to BSN

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BSN .jpg 

The picture I chose to best represent my BSN journey is a collage of what brings meaning to my life, what makes me happy, fulfilled in this world, and what nursing means to me. From new beginnings in marriage with my husband Mitchell and finding happiness together, to finding ourselves the proud parents of 7 fur babies and a vast collection of bonsai trees and plants- my journey through the BSN program would not have been possible without the love and support of my family and the activities that provide us solstice from the stressors of this world. Therefore, my husband, my animals, and my koi pond featuring some bonsai have been included in the picture. Center of the picture there is my take on the nursing caduceus. Instead of a rod, I have a sword because to be a nurse is to be brave and courageous for sacrificing oneself for the betterment of others, for standing up in the face of doubt and being the advocate for others. This is a tattoo that I actually have on my back because I am that passionate about nursing. Lastly the eye represents my desire for knowledge and growth in the nursing field, hence its placement above my representation of the nursing caduceus.  


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