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Dear A&G’s Pools and Greg’s  Marcite,                                        10/7/2015                                                                                                          

   Thank you for taking the time to read this email. My name is Chester Wheeler, and I am writing you to ask for your company’s help in bettering the lives of the elderly in our community. I am currently in my last semester of a Bachelor’s of Science Nursing program with the College of Central Florida.  An integral part of my educational journey and professional growth is community service and involvement. The majority of my community service time has been dedicated to the Alzheimer’s/Dementia patients in the Memory Care Unit at Diamond Ridge Health and Rehab in Beverly Hills, FL. A Memory Care Unit is a skilled nursing care unit that is specifically is tailored to protect dementia patients from wandering off or leaving their designated area. Because of their health conditions, these residents require specialized care, supervision, and unfortunately are less able to interact with other residents and or volunteers due to the necessity of keeping them in a locked wing. Nevertheless, these people need and deserve to have a quality of life that any of us would want in our golden years.  It has been such a joy to be able to spend time with these precious residents and bring a smile to their faces. The smiles are too far and few between and I want to do something to make those smiles last longer.

       It has become very clear that the Memory Care Unit’s outdoor courtyard that is available to these residents is being underused simply because of the rundown condition of this area. Currently the residents’ only view is a drab and very institutional looking wall and chain link fence. There is no stimulation or joy in this (See enclosed pictures). This is where your company can help these residents have a better quality of life in what may be for many of them their last home.  I hope to build a concrete planter box along the retention wall that lines the courtyard. This planter box will be filled with plant life that provides visual stimulation from the blooming flowers, from the butterflies and hummingbirds, and a sanctuary to relax and watch the days go by. With your company’s help and generous donation of time and materials, we can build a planter box that provides visual stimulation for all and physical stimulation for those residents capable of participating in planting. This project will bring joy, stimulation, and a sanctuary for every resident to enjoy thereby improving their quality of life.

      Thank you for taking the time to consider this project. I look forward to hearing from your company soon. Please feel free to call or email me at any time.

Thank you,

Chester Wheeler, BSN Student College of Central Florida


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Dear Chester,                                                                       10/10/2015

   This project sounds great and something that we can help out with. Our company is always willing to help make the community a better place. First thing we need to do is get out there and measure the wall so I can draw up a plan. Thank you for including the pictures before, they helped me understand the vision. I also need to look into permitting too, but that is all on my end and nothing you have to worry about. I know we are really busy the next few months, but I am going to squeeze this project in for Mid-November/ Early December. Is there a time that you need to have it completed by?  Here is my phone number 352-302-1122, please call me so we can discuss going out there to measure the wall.



Angie Smallwood

Owner, A&G’s Pools and Spas, Inc., and Greg’s Marcite, Inc.



Dear Mrs. Smallwood,                                                                10/19/2015

  It was a pleasure speaking with you the other day. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and measuring the retention wall for the planter. I just had to share with you that the Staff at Diamond Ridge are ecstatic about the changes that are going to occur. Not only will your company be building this wonderful planter box, but another classmate has organized a local artist and volunteers to come in and paint the wall with a beautiful mural. This project will definitely leave a lasting impression on the residents and community at large. Thank you for being so supportive and willing to donate your time, money, and skills to this endeavor. Would it be possible to get a copy of your drawings depicting the project for my own records/documentation for this project? As far as the date of completion, I really need to have this completed before the end of the first week of December in order to meet my graduation requirements. I hope this timeline will fit in with your busy schedule.

Your help is greatly appreciated!


Chester Wheeler




   Please find attached the rough drawing for the wall; I will try to get something more official to you.  My husband and I both think that this project is such a wonderful idea. In fact he wants to make the wall even better by adding a brick coping on top of the wall first and then offsetting the planter into the hill? It would require a bit more work as we would have to take down the fence and move it back a foot or so, but it would ensure that the planter box lasted for many years to come and it would also frame in the mural almost setting it off or making it pop, if you know what I mean. I think charcoal grey or beige would be the best color. Check out the attached picture.  My husband and I have even been talking about doing something for the concrete area, as we do acrylic texturing and painting, I will let you know more about that if we can do it.

My guys are scheduled to start working out there 11/18 or 11/19. You said that the mural would be done on 11/21? I’m not sure if that will give us enough lead time to do the brick coping and pour the planter, but the brick coping must be done first and allowed to set for 24 hours at least. So pouring the planter may roll over into the following week. Don’t worry, we would not mess up the mural during pouring it would be protected with plastic.



Angie Smallwood

Owner, A&G’s Pools and Spas, Inc., and Greg’s Marcite, Inc.

wall rough sketch.png





Mrs. Smallwood,                                                                         10/27/2015

   The brick coping sounds great. Thank you for being so committed to this project. I will let my classmate know the plan for completion of the planter and let her know that it may be in stages and not to worry about the mural’s integrity as you will be covering it during your phase of the project. I will also make sure that Diamond Ridge’s Supervisors are aware of the plan and whatever you may need access to such as power, water then please let me know. I know that we saw a water hose hook up and several outlets outside when we measured the wall, but if you can think of anything else that you may need then please let me know. The code to the gate is 2790 if you did not remember. I am so excited to see this come to fruition. Once again, thank you for taking the time to make this project come true.


Thank You,

Chester Wheeler




 Dear Chester,                                                                                                                                                                                  

     My husband and I met with the Activities  Director and the Nursing Director today. Unfortunately, they have decided against the concrete planter due to being unable to move the fence due to safety concerns with the fence being taken down and they do not think it would be safe to have a tiered planter on the inside. I proposed to them that we clean up the area around the oak tree and make some flower beds to enhance the scenery. They really liked that idea. Let me know what you think.



Angela Smallwood



Dear Mrs. Smallwood,                                                                                                                                                               

   That is unfortunate that they will not allow us to move the fence back, however I completely understand their need for safety and I imagine it has something to do with insurance as well. I think making the flower beds around the oak would be a great idea. I will pick up the mulch and plastic to go down as well as the plants. I know when we spoke previously you said you had lots of spare pavers, would it be possible to use them for this project? I am available to start working on it as soon as you are.



Chester Wheeler



Dear Chester,                                                                                                                                                                           

Yes, we do have extra pavers to use. How about this Saturday and Sunday we work on the project? I can be there at 10:00 am. Also, I have ordered decorative lawn/outdoor ornaments from amazon too.



Angela Smallwood



Dear Mrs. Smallwood,                                                                                                                                                          

   Thank you so much for your contribution to this project, you have certainly gone above and beyond to help make this space one of enjoyment and memory. I will be there Saturday at 10:00.


Chester Wheeler



Photos of Process:

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Garden Decor:


Items that have not yet arrived:




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