Personal Philosophy and Journey

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2012-03-06 001 022.JPG

Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. ”

I grew up with a love for the natural sciences. I had a voracious appetite for knowledge of the natural wonders of life. I found an early kinship in medicine and thought for sure, I would be a doctor one day.

As life would have it, my journey took me into various medical fields of learning. I started in a small x-ray department as a transporter and later learned to do portable x-rays and develop the films. This helped me in the years to follow when I joined the Army as a Medical Specialist. I worked temporarily as an x-ray technician in Korea in the absence of anyone more qualified. I did all the required x-rays and developed the films at our battalion aid station. Later, I would return to study at the Academy of Health Sciences, Fort Sam Houston, Texas to receive a diploma as a Clinical Specialist. A few years after that, I studied for and  received a diploma as a Pharmacy Specialist. I was exposed to and learned a wealth of medical knowledge working as both a clinical practitioner as well as a field medic. After receiving civilian training as an  Emergency Medical Technician, I ended my last years in the Army doing flight rescue.

I was married with two young boys at the time I left the service. I had received the GI bill for my education but, needed an income quickly to raise my young family. I worked as a nurses aide full time at a local rehabilitation center while continuing my education. I chose the field of nursing as it was still in the medical field that I loved and would be the shortest route to a decent wage. I have been a registered nurse since 1987 and credentialed as as a CCRN since 1990, working in intensive care medicine for 27 years. It turned into the career, I never expected.

My goal to be a physician has changed with the years.The changing environment of healthcare has lead me to a niche where I find the most personal enjoyment and satisfaction. I have come to the knowledge that the alignment of my goals with the needs of health cares future is best served as a Nurse Practitioner in Family care. This is my goal now in my journey and practice of medicine.    

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