Strengths Finder

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With the Gallup Strengths Finder my top five themes were:

1. Empathy

2. Connectedness

3. Harmony

4. Intellection

5. Communication


The theme of empathy shows that I have a talent for sensing other people’s feelings, being sensitive to their needs. The connectedness theme indicates a faith in the links between all things. Harmony indicates a theme of looking for consensus, always looking for agreement over conflict. The theme of intellection indicates an enjoyment of intellectual activity, discussions and learning. Lastly, communication indicates ease of putting my thoughts into words and a talent for conversation and presentations.

These themes indicate to me, that my striving is beginning to manifest in me the strengths of character that I feel are important. I strive for balance, understanding and connection. These strengths have served me well in nursing. Through these qualities, I feel a person becomes enlightened.   



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