Civic Contributions

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I believe in giving as a part of belonging. We are social animals, with a spiritual connection. We grow from helping others just as we become healthy by caring for our bodies. I have believed in civic contribution since I was a teenager. I volunteered to work with the handicapped for the Special Olympics in 1973. I helped with the field events for track and field, held locally in Miami. I volunteered at a day care for special needs (handicapped) children in 1974, helping to feed and watch and interact with them. While in the service, I volunteered to teach Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and first aid to many community organizations. I worked in a nursing home during college and volunteered for many outings, to assist with the elderly residents. I volunteered at my children’s little league games, working the concessions and chaperoning for away events. I have been a member in good standing with the Loyal Order of the Moose and the American Legion, donating time to family support events and projects. In the years that my children were growing up, we anonymously selected a family to support in their time of need, providing them with a celebration for Christmas.


 I volunteered after hurricane Opal struck and devastated the Gulf Coast in 1995, to assist in relieving the staff of the Niceville Hospital, so that they could go home and take care of their families. I volunteered most recently with the FreeD.O.M. Clinic offering free health services as part of my bachelors degree course. These are just a few of the civic contributions of my time that comes to mind. I have always given contributions of money and household goods to support the needs of others. These contributions run the range of human needs. I have never felt as good as when I am giving of myself to others, without seeking anything in return but, the gift of belonging.


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