Nursing Judgement

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Nursing judgement is a process that takes time and circumstance to form. We are equipped with a lot of knowledge in school, but knowledge is not the same as judgement. It is what we do with that knowledge when situations arise that leads to judgement. Many nurses take couple years to develop good organizational, prioritization and judgement skills. Close calls or patient experiences, whether good or bad, will hibernate in the brain and when a similar situation arises again the brain's wheels will turn and the nurse may respond differently than they would have without their previous encounter. An important thing we learned throughout the course is that one cannot just go off of "this is the way we have always done things so this is the way I will do it too," but rather make decisions that have a foundation that is evidence based and sound. Another important concept when it comes to forming judgement is knowing that new evidence may arise that requires you to change the way you practice, accepting the evidence and not resisting it is crucial to good patient outcomes and sound interventions.

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