
This quality was my number one trait according to the strengths finder assessment. At first, I didn't understand how this could happen because I do not consider myself to be competitive. Although, as I began to look deeper into myself I realized I am competitive, especially against myself and the goals I set for myself. I strive to be the best at everything I do. The information in my strengths finder report reads "Whenever your talent, knowledge, or skills are being judged, you certainly relish knowing the victory is yours alone (StrengthsFinder, 2015). The way I can use this information to my benefit is to set higher goals for myself by using a higher performing peer to compete against in order to push my own knowledge to a higher level.

"You use every bit of the knowledge, skill, talent, and energy you possess to snag the topmost prize. You probably let little, if anything, distract you from your goal. You persevere in your efforts because you believe diligence is rewarded. Reaching your goals spurs you to toil with even greater purpose (StrengthsFinder, 2015).
I definitely was nodding my head as I read this description. When I have a goal, I have a tendency to become extremely focused on it until I have reached it. I think this is a great strength to have when combined with my other strengths, especially my "competition" strength.
Look out, world!

"Characteristically, you work harder and longer than most people are capable of doing. It's very likely that you need fewer detailed explanations than many people require. Because of your strengths, you can be scholarly if you have a desirable goal to reach (StrengthsFinder, 2015).
I felt this was very accurate, and like my other strengths, it complemented my goals.
My personalized report suggests continuing education and obtaining certifications, which I already plan to do. The report also indicates that achievers are very self-motivated (I am). I can use this strength to my advantage because much of the motivation is found in the next step and not necessarily what has happened before.

"Chances are good that you enjoy being well-read. It's very likely that you yearn to amass personal wealth. You might enjoy being different and dislike being regarded as one more face in the crowd. You can introduce more questions, suggestions, solutions, or innovative ideas into group conversations than most participants can (StrengthsFinder, 2015).
I was not surprised by this strength. I have loved to read since I brought home word lists in elementary school. I think a lot about ideas and I secretly want to be an entrepreneur.
I can use this strength to continue absorbing information. However, there has to be an output of the information, and not just a constant input. The assessment recommends professions where I can acquire new information such as teaching or research.

"People who are especially talented in the Futuristic theme are inspired by the future and what could be (StrengthsFinder, 2015).
I like this strength because it expresses vision. Futuristic people like thinking about what their life might be like in the future. It also mentioned that I like being an individual performer. I think this strength complements my other strengths.
If I envision the future and have a goal for it, my focus and achiever strengths coupled with my thirst for information and acquiring new skills can help make my vision for the future a reality.