Jun 14, 2015
Renee Schafer
4498 SW 102nd Lane Rd.
Ocala, FL 34476
(352) 201-2909
US Representative Richard Nugent
Longworth House Office Building, Room 1727
15 Independence Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20515-0911
Dear US Representative Nugent,
Statistics show that in the time period from 2008-2010 there were approximately 2.8 million registered nurses in the workforce; about 167,000 of these nurses work and live in the state of Florida (Health Resources and Services Administration, 2013). I am one of these registered nurses currently employed and living in your district. Ever since I became a registered nurse in 2010, I have sought to advance my education in order to increase the level and quality of care that I am able to provide to other citizens of this state.
It is with this spirit of learning that I contact you now, in order to urge you to support H.R. 2713, the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act, which was reintroduced earlier this month by Representatives Lois Capps (D-CA) and David Joyce (R-OH).
This legislation provides funding for many programs which affect nursing and therefore, the entire health care system. Programs which are supported by this funding include advanced nursing education, diversity grants, nurse faculty loan programs, and grants for nurses that work with the geriatric population. All of these programs are necessary to provide quality education for both new nurses as well as nurses who are seeking advanced education. Quality education for nurses is essential to providing quality health care with good outcomes for the population of your district, the state of Florida, and this entire country which is why the importance of H.R. 2713 cannot be minimized.
The American Nurses Association supports this bill, and so do I. I hope that you will make H.R. 2713, the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act a priority.
Thank you for your consideration.
Mrs. Renee Schafer
4498 SW 102nd Lane Rd
Ocala, FL 34476-4141