Civic Contributions

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 Although my civic contributions are limited to a handful of experiences, they have been nonetheless rewarding. Through participation in our community, I have had the opportunity to understand the importance of service and have reaped personal satisfaction from it as well. Below is a list of some of the contributions I have made so far that have also inspired me to continue offering myself to others. There are also a couple of links to things that are related to the contributions listed. The link to the YouTube video is a radio/internet broadcast that I was involved with that targeted veterans to provide general health education. During the specific broadcast depicted here, we were discussing Hospice and end-of-life issues-  a topic not commonly or widely discussed. Also, I attached a link to a power point presentation. This presentation was given at a long-term care facility in The Villages to a group of seniors to provide senior-specific health education.


-Three years working at ORMC Trauma

-Volunteer with Marion County Hospice

-Volunteer at Ocala 2015 FreeDOM Clinic

-Senior Sexual Health Education Presentation in The Villages, FL

-Developer of BSN Peer Mentor Program at College of Central Florida

 -Veteran News Radio/Internet Broadcast with Hank Whittier from Vets Helping Vets and Dr. Knapp of Ocala V.A. Clinic





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