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  background.jpg       After taking the self-inventories, I discovered some things that I have always known to be true about myself and others that are surprising and insightful. For example, the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test revealed that I am an ENFP = Extravert(9%),  Intuitive(31%),  Feeling(47%)  and Perceiving(22%).  Some things that spoke true to me from reading the ENFP's profile is that they often have strong, if sometimes surprising, values and viewpoints; that relationships with an ENFPs can be challenged by their short attention span and emotional needs; ENFPs are great at brainstorming but tend toward procrastination so completing projects can be difficult; ENFPs have a "silly switch," meaning they can go from serious and business to flipping the switch into a wild child; and lastly ENFPs live for their friends and being around people. This profile description is uncanny in its similarity to my personality.

            The Left-Brain, Right-Brain Test indicated that I was evenly balanced between the two hemispheres. The results indicated that my “spontaneous, impulsive, and free-flowing right brain creates an exciting and adventurous world, while your left brain helps you make sense of it and keep track of everything . You tend to express your individuality both in words and actions, and although you're perfectly comfortable running on a schedule or planning things ahead of time, there are occasions when you love to throw in a little spontaneity.” I think this description is very relevant to me as well; particularly, the point about being comfortable on a schedule but there also being times when I opt for spontaneous adventures.

         The Multiple Intelligence Inventory for adults revealed that mathematics, spatial, and music were my highest scoring categories. Thinking about my intelligences, I do believe that my current job as a nurse is lacking in musical intelligence, where does that fit into the scheme of nursing? I am a big advocate for music therapy as a form of relaxation, distraction, pain management and an emotional outlet for the feelings that one is unable to be express verbally. This insight is something that I will consider in my future endeavors. The purpose of this inventory is to also highlight the intelligences so one might consider if their career path is making use of their intelligences.

           Lastly, the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Questionnaire revealed to me that I scored equally high in Competing(Forcing) and Accommodating(Smoothing), with Avoiding (Withdrawal) in a close second. Competing means that I try to satisfy my own concerns at another’s expense. If this is true, then I feel compelled to work on this aspect of myself. That type of behavior and attitude in conflict resolution is counterproductive to team work and compromise. Secondly, Accommodating, meaning I try to satisfy the other person’s concerns at the expense of my own. This is not a healthy coping style either. I know that I am a people pleaser and want people to be happy, but it is not healthy to continual sacrifice your own concerns for other peoples’ benefit. Lastly, Avoiding indicates that I just sidestep the problem without meeting anybody’s needs. Avoidance has its time and place, but relying on it as a fundamental coping style in conflict is not conducive to resolution of a problem.. After taking this test, I feel as though I probably have a passive-aggressive conflict style. This is something that I will strive to work on because being passive-aggressive is highly toxic to team work and nursing is team work.

               These self-inventories have provided me some great information to reflect on about myself and how I perceive myself. I wonder if my closest friends or husband filled them out if our perspectives on myself would match? There is often a disconnect with how we see ourselves and how others’ may perceive us. I feel like personalities are more complex than just narrowing it down to a hand full of characteristics through a questionnaire. So many of our responses in life are situational and influenced by our biopsychosociocultural and spiritual perspectives. Even though there may be inherent limitations to some of these inventories, I believe the insight gained will help me be a better team member by knowing what my strengths and weaknesses are and how to utilize them to the best of my ability to create a work environment of success and common goal achievement.

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