Myers-Briggs Inventory

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Myers-Briggs Results:

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On the Meyers-Briggs Inventory I am;
Extravert (12%), iNtuitive (6%), Thinking (1%), Judging (9%),
which indicates a slight preference of Extraversion over Introversion, very slightly greater preference of Intuition over Sensing, marginal or no preference between Thinking over Feeling and a slight preference of Judging over Perceiving. Because of the marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling, characteristics of more than one personality type applies to me. 
Warm,empathetic,responsive,and responsible.Highly attuned to the emotions,needs,and motivations of others.Find potential
in everyone,want to help others fulfill their potential. May act as catalysts for individual and group growth.Loyal,responsive
 to praise and criticism. Sociable,facilitate others in a group, and provide inspiring leadership.
 Frank, decisive, assume leadership readily. Quickly see illogical and inefficient procedures and policies, develop and
implement comprehensive systems to solve organizational problems.Enjoy long-term planning and goal setting. Usually well
informed, well read, enjoy expanding their knowledge and passing it on to others.Forceful in presenting their ideas.
 I believe this Personality Inventory adequately sums up my current perception of myself. I strive to be fair and balanced, understanding and thoughtful. I strive to know what I can about my world and love to share that knowledge. I am currently in a management role as the Intensive Care Supervisor. I enjoy the teaching and mentoring aspects of the position. The managerial parts are less to my liking. I do them well because I am very organized and diligent however, it takes me away from the support role I prefer. I am also rather sensitive to criticism if I can not give 100% of my attention to a task. I strive to always do my best and I am sometimes my own worst critic. 


I believe this Personality Inventory adequately sums up my current perception of myself. I strive to be fair and balanced, understanding and thoughtful. I strive to know what I can about my world and love to share that knowledge. I am currently in a management role as the Intensive Care Supervisor. I enjoy the teaching and mentoring aspects of the position. The managerial parts are less to my liking. I do them well because I am very organized and diligent however, it takes me away from the support role I prefer. I am also rather sensitive to criticism if I can not give 100% of my attention to a task. I strive to always do my best and I am sometimes my own worst critic. 

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