I have not measured my personal achievements much by the things that I have done but, where they have brought me to in my life. I try not to live in my past, as only those who were with me at that moment in time, can fully understand the experience. For anyone else it’s just a good story and I have many.
Although, I have enjoyed the art of photography, I so seldom recorded any of my adventures in pictures, (other than those in my memory). Before cell phone cameras, taking pictures entailed lugging a rather large camera around, safeguarding it from the elements, damage, as well as theft, and then developing the film to reveal, at a considerable cost, which ones were good and those that would have been discarded. Yet, even with some diligence and dedication, the majority of the most memorable moments were never even captured. So, I have mostly tried to live in the moment, fully involving myself in the activity at hand, seldom burdened with a camera.
While attending high school, I was selected to be in the first pilot study, by the University of Miami, to train high school students as peer counselors. Of the 28 students selected and 9 to finish the first phase (4 months), I was one of only four students invited to continue training after the pilot was completed. The second phase was a very intense Gestalt style training with weekly group sessions and frequent psychological evaluations and inventories. The outcome of the pilot was that the training far exceeded the objective for high school peer counseling. I did go on to work briefly (3 months), in a family planning clinic, helping teenagers explore their options.
After High School, I moved to Clearwater Florida, where I worked at Mease Hospital, first in the dietary department, preparing meal trays and delivering them to patients. After three months, I interviewed for a position in the x-ray department as a patient transporter. While working in the x-ray department, I trained to do portable x-rays as well as load and unload x-ray cassettes and develop x-ray films (old school). After nearly a year, I moved to Tallahassee to attend Florida State University (FSU). After the first quarter and coming up on winter, I realized I could not afford to continue without more money. I moved back down to Miami for what I thought would be a short period to work construction with my Father.
While down there, I heard that the military had extended the GI Bill and I thought, perfect! I took the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), tested in the top 10% and was told I could have any job the services offered. I joined the Army because they offered a three year active contract. The other branches like the Air Force (which I originally sought), wanted a minimum of four years active and for the jobs I wanted, six. I joined the Army and wound up staying in for eight years! Who knew?
While serving in the military I received two Medals of Commendation, several Achievement awards and two Honorable Discharges, (one each for Active duty and the Reserves). I received and maintained an Expert Marksmanship medal (and shot on the all Army Pistol Team, placing third at the National meet, Ft Mead, Maryland, 1980). I received the Expert Drivers’ medal (50,000 accident free miles in Korea). While in the service I attended the Academy of Health Sciences, Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, three times, receiving diplomas for; Medical Specialist, Clinical Specialist and Pharmacy Specialist. I went to Enterprise State Junior College, where I trained for my Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certificate and was licensed as an EMT. I flew helicopter rescue with the “Flat Iron” group out of Ft Rucker, Alabama. I ran the Brigade Drug and Alcohol Program for the 2nd Infantry Division in South Korea, receiving high commendations for the excellence of the program. I trained in Tae Kwon Do, with the Korean (ROK) Army. I became a Black belt Instructor for my unit in Korea, living and teaching there for two years. I attained the rank of Sergeant First Class (SFC) very quickly, as my endeavors to learn everything I could, helped me to excel in the military.
![camp casey tkd school 1978.jpg](/files/53569259/download?download_frd=1&verifier=KiIYpcjqvlCPfLHyUYxQEGeGMW4EKNosGtjyyIS7)
In 1980, I married a Korean woman and I have two sons (now 34 and 36), two granddaughters (8 and 13), and two grandsons (4 and 6), all of which are exceptional people, that I am very proud of. My wife passed away in 1999 and I have not remarried.
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I earned my Associates of Science Degree in Nursing at the College of Central Florida, in 1987. I worked at Ocala Regional Medical Center for 12 years, and Munroe Regional Medical Center for the past 17 years. I was a Basic Cardiac Life Support Instructor since 1979, until 1999, (teaching three different versions, the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association and the Military). I was an Advanced Cardiac Life Saving Instructor for 10 years from 1989 for the American Heart Association (AHA). In addition, I taught Pediatric Life Support for eight years, also for the AHA. I have been a certified Open Water Rescue Diver and taught first aid classes to other divers as well as soldiers and the lay public. I have been an instructor on a variety of topics, ranging from family planning to critical care.
In my adventures, I have traveled to many foreign countries (Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, England, France, Germany, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Thailand). I have lived in or visited 23 of our states. I have met and befriended many people from every corner of our planet and from every walk of life. I have visited museums (the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the Louvre, Paris France, the Rijks Museum and the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, the Accademia Gallery and Uffizi Gallery, Florence Italy, the Vatican Museums, Vatican City, Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, the National Gallery of Art, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., to name a few) and many, many, natural and man-made wonders (from the canals of Venice, to the River Walk of San Antonio). I have climbed mountains on three continents (North America, Europe and Asia) and sailed two oceans (the Atlantic and the Pacific) and three seas (the Mediterranean, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico).
For all of this, I find myself here, at this point in my life. My children are grown, my life and career have been successful. In these experiences, I have measured my achievements. I now find the greatest of pleasures in giving back, helping others to fulfill their lives. I am pursuing my Bachelors degree and then with God’s help and forbearance, my Masters degree as a Nurse Practitioner. In this way I can do what I love and at the same time give back to others. These have been my achievements.