Personal Values

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The personal values that direct my life choices are centered on wholeness, in my relationships and personal roles. They are listed in order of importance to me.

1. Community

2. Responsibility

3. Openness

4. Loyalty

5. Harmony

6. Learning

7. Diversity

8. Freedom

9. Quality

10. Timeliness

11. Efficiency

12. Effectiveness

My professional values guide my work and validity. If I diverge far from them, I feel un-centered and out of balance. It is hard for me to get behind work or projects that do not allow for these elements. If their importance is not recognized and expressed in the role I am performing, I feel like I am not doing my best work and I am not faithfully giving what is expected. Aligning my values to that of my work place, home life and leisure are essential to my sense of accomplishment and authenticity. My professional values are:

1. Timeliness

2. Community

3.  Efficiency

4.  Effectiveness

5.  Harmony

6.  Learning

7.  Quality

8.  Responsibility

9.  Loyalty

10. Freedom 

I think it's interesting that although many of the values are the same, the order of importance changes based on my interpretation of the expected role.  

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