NUR 4165 Nursing Research Metaphor

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Research Metaphor

Land of the Morning Calm

Joseph Mills

For many, they pass through life accepting the world as they see it. Like a photograph, captured in a fraction of a second; one instance in time, one perspective. The Chinese had an ancient saying, "the truth has many faces but, any face alone, is a lie". If we only reveal parts of the truth, it changes the context. If we see only one perspective, then did we ever know the truth?

The painting above was the first piece of art I traded my Ray Ban sunglasses for, when I first arrived in Korea. It caught my eye with it's serenity and beautiful complexity. Korea is known by it's people as, "the land of the morning calm". This painting for me, was the epitome of that title. The depicted scene causes me to feel the wonder of early morning, with the prospect of a new day ahead. The simple road, to a simple abode; cool and misty on the outside, warmth and comfort on the inside. The small homestead shielded by the tall, craggy mountains. There seems to be an inviting mystery in it's beauty, with the small waterfalls and slow meandering river. What's on the other sides of those mountains? What can be seen from their tops?  Where is the origin of the river? Where is it going to? What a wonder filled place! What an interesting people! 

This is my metaphor for research: The questions: What are the other views? The differing perspectives? What have I missed? What don't I know? What do I need to know to truly understand? There is qualitative research; what is known? How is it understood? What is the depth of inquiry in the question? What are the parts that make up what we know? Quantitative research; how common is the occurrence? Is there a  pattern to it? Does the pattern meet the expectation, the assumptions that I have? What is hidden that can be revealed? Are these things consistent or changing?

I came into this world, with wonder and curiosity. I have learned to open and humble myself to all that I see and experience.  I am aware that I know very little and I can't know everything yet, I feel an obligation to know the truth. A very old story spoke of a tree whose fruit was forbidden, the tree was the tree of knowledge! Once we know, we can not un-know! There is a responsibility to knowledge, yet I only know in part! In healthcare, we have a responsibility to those we care for. Knowing this, I strive to know all that I can for those in my care. Perhaps, ignorance is bliss! No one said, to look on Gods' work was easy! I can not turn my head from the truth and I can not know the truth without inquiring. There is a small comfort in knowing and seeing the truth but, there is no rest. As some believe, God always was and always will be. God is perfection, the total sum of all power and knowledge. Perfection for us is an infinite, unobtainable goal. It is a journey, a constant evolution, a coming into awareness, "to be known as also we are known"(Corinthians I, ch. 13,vs.9-12). 



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