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Jasmin Allen SmithLinks to an external site.

AttachmentFri, Apr 14, 2017 at 12:42 AM
To: Nancy Brett <>

Goodmorning Nancy,
 I really appreciate your receptiveness to me presenting this topic to
our unit over the next few days. As part of your OB team this is a
subject that is near and dear to me. Attached you will find the
power-point I plan on presenting to my co-workers. I would appreciate
your feedback as well, if you feel any changes need to be made prior
to presenting. I will also be sending a post presentation evaluation
survey in the next few days and I would appreciate your honest
critique at that time. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity.

Jasmin Smith RN, BSN student CF


Nancy Brett

Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 3:42 PM
To: Jasmin Allen Smith <>


Loved this presentation!
I agree that we need to view the family as a whole and do what is best for all involved. The demographics of the area serving a hospital also sheds light of perceived notions of breastfeeding practices.
 Please present this to the staff with the recommendations we have discussed.
1- Be more aware of acuity/ discharges in a district
2- Try to form a unit based council..perhaps we can partner with the nursery
3- Discuss how the ' praise the positive'
4- Coordinate the Renee for more classes on breastfeeding support
5- Find a daytime way for power naps :-)

Thanks so much for sharing your work with all of us, new ideas are so valuable!!

Nancy Brett RNC | Manager Ob/Gyn|  Munroe Regional Medical Center
1500 S.W. 1st Avenue | Ocala, FL 34471 | Tel: 352-402-5381| Cell: 352-789-9950
nancy_brett@munroeregional.comLinks to an external site. / www.munroeregional.comLinks to an external site.


Jasmin Allen Smith

Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 10:43 PM
To: Nancy Brett <>

 Thank you so much for the encouragement. I stopped by work today and
presented the presentation to those working and also met with Renee to
discuss lactation education possibilities and reviewed the material
with her. Renee is all for teaching a lactation class if there's
enough interest, and also expressed she agrees the nursery needs more
lactation education. She is also VERY interested in being an active
member of the unit based council once we get that rolling and thinks
there's a lot of good we could gain from such an initiative.
 As for the day shift staff they seemed very intrigued and had lots of
questions both during and after the presentation. There was a post
quiz, and the last question asked for suggestions so after I gather
these all up at the end of the week I will give you some more feedback
about how the staff feels we can initiate positive change and work
towards providing holistic care. I left the material (Power Point,
Pre-Quiz Results, Post Quiz to fill out) along with a presentation
board in the break room and plan to do an inservice for night shift
during shift change, which ever day allows ( busy wise) that I work
this week.
 Thank you again for allowing me this opportunity to raise awareness
among my co-workers.
Jasmin Smith RN, CF BSN Student


Jasmin Allen Smith

AttachmentWed, Apr 26, 2017 at 1:01 PM
To: Nancy Brett <>

Good Morning Nancy,
Attached you will find the quiz results I obtained from the staff following my presentations during the week of 4/17/17. I was able to reach both day shift and night shift of the WSU/OB staff and had 21 of our employees participate in the presentation. From the participants I compiled the quiz results which you can examine for statistical data if you so desire. I am pleased to announce that there were several who wished to be part of a Unit Based Council, if one is formed and the majority of our staff acknowledged they feel evidence based practice is currently being underutilized on our unit. Another positive is many feel competent in assisting our mothers to breastfeed, but want to take a lactation class if offered by Renee. I spoke to Renee and she is willing to hold some classes for us, as long as she has enough support and time to prepare. From my conversation with Renee and feedback from the postpartum staff, the majority of us agree that there is a disconnect between the postpartum units and our sister units Nursery and L/D, which could be contributing to our decline in HCAHP scores. Both parties also voiced that having L/D and Nursery staff trained in lactation assistance would be a great help in implementing and maintaining breastfeeding among our postpartum mothers who wish to do so.

Some actual comments from the staff in regards to suggestions included:

"Nursery staff need to see their patients more when the mother has [nursery census] infant on floor [postpartum unit]. No calling them to see how the baby fed!"

"Encourage family that stays with MOB to alternate feedings with MOB if bottlefeeding or help mom get some rest in between feedings. This can be encouraged during admission. Also try to cluster care and enter the room less often [so MOB can rest]."

"Offering the help to watch baby so mom can get some rest. If she becomes burnt out she may not succeed [breastfeeding]. Moms get frustrated from lack of sleep and supplement a bottle just to get rest. An hour or two sometimes is enough for mom to recoop."

"Nursery & L/D staff need to attend Renee's breastfeeding classes so we would all (underlined) be on the same page."

"Better communication between units. Also better communication to parents when babies are in the NICU."

"Work harder to relax standards we currently have for BF moms. We give too much formula, and aren't patient enough with newborns learning to breastfeed."

 There are several more comments, and I am happy to share all of them with you next time I work if you wish.

Again, I appreciate you allowing me this opportunity to present this content to our staff and hope it proves beneficial.

Below is a short 3 question survey I would appreciate your feedback on, and any additional feedback you have is welcomed.

Sincerely, Jasmin Smith RN, CF BSN Student

  Post Manager Survey

1) Do you feel this presentation was beneficial and specific to our unit? Why or Why Not?

2) Do you feel that the evidence supports a couplet-friendly approach that supports both parts of the Mother-Infant Dyad is more holistic than baby-friendly care? Why or Why Not?

3) What outcomes, if any, do you hope will come from this presentation?

( Again, any additional feedback or comments are appreciated).



Nancy Brett

Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 3:51 PM
To: Jasmin Allen Smith <>

Thanks you so much for this presentation. The staff seemed very engaged with your topic. I think you have started a conversation about our approach that will help define our plan of care. Mother-Infant dyad does support the total family. That really strikes me as the right balance.
     Hopefully you can help start the unit based council quickly. Representation of staff looking at evidence based practice will guide us always in the right direction. Staff have so many ideas that would really help us improve our care and make our unit the best place to work also!!
     Many thanks for all your time invested in improving the care on this unit!
Nancy Brett


  Post Manager Survey

1) Do you feel this presentation was beneficial and specific to our unit? Why or Why Not?

1a) Yes, The staff seemed very engaged with your topic. I think you have started a conversation about our approach that will help define our plan of care.

2a) Do you feel that the evidence supports a couplet-friendly approach that supports both parts of the Mother-Infant Dyad is more holistic than baby-friendly care? Why or Why Not?

2) Yes. Mother-Infant dyad does support the total family. That really strikes me as the right balance.

3) What outcomes, if any, do you hope will come from this presentation?

3a) First off form a Unit Based Council and secondly present this material the the nursery staff.

Nancy Brett RNC | Manager Ob/Gyn|  Munroe Regional Medical Center
1500 S.W. 1st Avenue | Ocala, FL 34471 | Tel: 352-402-5381| Cell: 352-789-9950 /



PRE-Presentation Quiz


Pre Mother-Infant Dyad Presentation Quiz

1.) Have you heard of the "BFI" (Baby Friendly Initiative) ?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I don't know

2. Do you think "Baby Friendly" entails the same meaning as "Couplet Friendly?"

a. Yes

b. No

c. I don't know/Neutral

3.Do you think Breastfeeding is the superior choice in feeding one's newborn?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I don't know

4.) Do you ever self-consciously "judge" moms who ask for their well babies to spend come time in the nursery so they can rest?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I don't know

5.) Do you feel incidences of Postpartum Depression can be linked back to how Mothers perceive they were cared for during their Postpartum Stay at the hospital?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I don't know/Neutral

6.) Is MRMC considered a Baby Friendly Hospital ?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I don't know

7. Do you feel our latest HCAHP score of 51% for the Women's Surgical Unit regarding the category "Nurses response to patient's needs" accurately reflects the care we provide to our postpartum patients?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Neutral




Of the respondents 6 worked Day Shift ( two had recently transitioned to day shift in the last month) and 6 worked Night Shift.
The Pre-Quiz was offered voluntarily to staff over a 3 day period in order to gauge what areas needed to be addressed in presentation.

Responses were anonymous; however, staff were asked to indicate a "D" for Day Shift or "N" for Night Shift," on their quizzes.

Pre Quiz Question Number



No Answers

I Don't Know/ Neutral


1 5 6 1
2 5 5 2
3 10 2 0
4 1 11 0
5 5 6 1
6 4 5 3
7 0 12 0






Supporting The Mother-Infant Dyad Presentation Material (See attached PDF)




Post Mother – Infant Dyad Presentation Quiz

1.)     Did you learn something new from this presentation?
a.      Yes __________________________________________________ (Please explain briefly)

b.      No
c.      Neutral

2.)  Do you feel Evidence Based Practice is under utilized in our unit/
a.      Yes
b.      No
c.      Neutral

3.) If a Unit Based Council was formed would you be interested in participating?
a.      Yes
b.      No
c.      Neutral

4.)  What barriers do you perceive we face in implementing a more
couplet-friendly approach to care?
a.)     Lack of resources
b.)     Resistant attitudes to change
c.)     Lack of Interdisciplinary cooperation
d.)     All of the Above
e.)     Other________________

5.)  Do you feel competent in assisting mothers in breastfeeding?
a.)     Yes
b.)     No
c.)     Neutral

6.)  If Renee, our lactation consultant, were to offer an in-service
class on breastfeeding assistance and instruction on implementing
interventions to help our mothers, such as the S-N-S system, would you
be willing to attend?
a.)     Yes
b.)     No
c.)     Neutral

7.)   Do you feel there is a disconnect between the Postpartum Units and
our sister units: L&D and Nursery?
a.)     Yes
b.)     No
c.)     Neutral

8.)   If you answered yes/neutral to question 7, do you feel this
disconnect could be contributing to our decline in HCAHP scores?
a.)     Yes
b.)     No
c.)     Neutral

9.) Are you willing to make a conscious/personal effort to try and
become more couplet friendly and unified with our sister units in
providing holistic care that supports the Mother-Infant Dyad as a
a.)     Yes
b.)     No
c.)     Neutral

10.)    What is one suggestion you have to improving couplet care/
supporting the Mother-Infant Dyad on our unit:





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