NUR 3846- Nursing Theory Course Reflection

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Although Nursing Theory and Philosophy at times seemed to rise above my level of comprehension , I feel that it is imperative to take this course in furthering one’s nursing knowledge. The setback was not that the content was irrelevant, it was that it was at points overwhelming that there were so many takes to providing nursing care and since all the theories share the common denominator of the nursing metaparadigm, made up of: nursing, health, environment, and person (Alligood, 2014), the theories would sometimes blend together. I feel that the text instilled the metapardigm approach to nursing into the reader, and as a result I have found myself approaching patient care with all these factors in mind. I feel that Leininger’s Theory of Transcultural Nursing stood out to me the most overall as she focused on providing care based upon cultural values and preferences. This approach is holistic in nature and patient specific. Her theory has inspired me to retake Spanish classes once I am finished with my BSN so I can communicate better with this prominent minority when providing nursing care. The other theorist who stuck out in my mind, who I actually chose to illuminate in my final presentation, is Ramona Mercer. I work in the OB/GYN setting so Mercer’s theory of Maternal Role Attainment fits right into my nursing practice. Mercer’s theory has opened my eyes to the factors that determine if the transition to motherhood is successful and which factors can influence a positive or negative experience. Both of these theories will be beneficial in my personal and professional journey. For now I wish to remain a beside nurse, but cultural awareness will benefit me when I transition to an ARNP role and since I envision myself in a Maternal-Health or Family Practice setting when I pursue my masters, Mercer’s theory has taught me important family dynamic factors that promote positive mother-father-baby relationships.



Alligood, M. R. (2014). Nursing theorists and their work (8th ed.). St.Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.



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