NUR 4827 Nursing Leadership Reflection Paper

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Leadership Reflection:

This Leadership course was both frustrating and stimulating and a must for anyone working up the clinical ladder and continuing their education. I say it was frustrating, not a negative sense, but the text, supplemental readings, and video clips challenged one’s understanding of leadership . Various leadership styles were examined, and I could quickly identify the styles past managers of mine have implemented. I was struck by the concept of transformational leadership and wish to adopt that as my personal leadership style. Finkelman (2012), made it quite clear that a leader is only as effective as their followers, and this discovery made me realize how important the concept of teamwork and team effort is in the work setting. I learned that although some have leadership characteristics, this does not necessarily make them a leader. I also learned that leaders are focused on their followers success and groom them to become their replacements (Finkelman, 2012). All in all, effective leaders focus on a goal, empower the team to meet the goal, and are not afraid to get down and dirty in the process. Leadership involves collaboration, empowerment, and not asking anything of a follower one is not willing to do themselves. Overall, in my opinion, the top 5 qualities in effective leadership are having a vision, being a role model, motivating one’s followers, transforming those followers through empowerment, and embracing change along the way. If I ever find my self in a management position, I will incorporate many concepts I learned throughout this course.





Finkelman, A. (2012). Leadership and management for nurses: Core competencies for quality care (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson.

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