NUR 4837- Health Care Policy Reflection Paper

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          As much as I wish nursing was not political and just about caring for patients, the truth remains that nursing, like every profession, is governed by politics and laws. Healthcare Policies and Economics was a course on empowering and encouraging nurses to be involved in the laws and lawmaking processes that affect our profession. From understanding the benefit of being a member of a professional organization, to the need to make our voices be heard by writing letters and calling our local representatives, and to navigating the current bills and laws affecting nursing by using online resources; I have come to realize that without exercising our power to influence legislative decisions that our profession is vulnerable to the whims of politicians and special interest groups.

            Being a member of a professional organization means being connected to a group that has power in numbers, respect, esteem, and more importantly the political influence of lobbyists and lawyers to precipitate change. This course really empowered me to be involved in the professional organizations that best represent me and that will connect me to the world of nursing beyond my facility and education in order to be more knowledgeable and informed on what is happening both politically, academically and professionally in my career. I can now say that I am a proud member of the American Nurses Association, Florida Nurses Association, and the American Assembly for Men in Nursing. Receiving the monthly and quarterly newsletters has been an excellent resource for research, policy/economic insight, and insightful point of view reflections from a diverse group of nurses. My new found resources of information have helped not only guide my professional understanding of nursing but also helped my academic pursuits by providing research and evidence based practice ideas. Nonetheless, just reading about what is happening politically is not enough to make change, one must be involved to make a change happen.

            At first glance, being involved in the political arena can be a daunting task; however, we each can do our part as nurses whether it is big or small. For instance, every nurse is capable of writing a letter to their local politicians detailing their opinions and desires for support concerning legislation. This little action when multiplied by many nurses can result in a huge effect and political influence. I am glad to say that this course provided the grounds for letter writing to my local politicians concerning the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act. This act provides funding for education and training that has been integral to producing new nurses. This was an especially personal assignment as my nursing education was the direct result of this act. As a Nurse Corps Scholarship recipient, I was afforded the opportunity to fully commit to nursing school in way that allowed me to build a strong foundation of nursing education. Words cannot express how thankful I am each and every day when providing care to patients that I was able to develop a strong nursing education. The Nurse Corps Scholarship gave me the chance to become the best nurse that I could be by providing funding for school and living expenses. The Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act provides funding for this scholarship and without it many nurses would have never seen their careers to fruition.  All nurses and potential nurses should have the same opportunities in building a strong education as it is invaluable to the health of our nation. By letting our voices be heard, our politicians can fight for the needs of both present and future nurses to come.

Being conscientious of how both political and economic policies affect the profession of nursing means being responsible to contribute one’s beliefs and opinions on what is affecting the nursing profession in order to make a change. Accountability is a pillar of the nursing profession. Being accountable for one’s actions, errors, and for the care of one’s patients is an ethical aspect of being nurse. This ethical responsibility or accountability holds true for contributing to influencing political change. Every nurse is accountable for the political changes that affect our profession for our voices’ power to catalyze influence and change are mighty. Without exercising our power as nurses to affect change, then we leave our profession vulnerable to legislative influences that can negatively affect the trajectory of our profession to provide quality care to patients. This lesson is the one that I will live on with me beyond my education and continue to affect my career for many years to come.      






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