Strength Finder

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maxresdefault.jpgFrom the Strength Finder Test,  my top five strengths were: 1) Relator, 2) Empathy, 3) Input, 4) Adaptability, and 5) Communication. Relator is a people person that finds deep satisfaction in relationship with others. This strength allows me to be open and honest with people, to let them see me as I see myself, to express my strengths and limitations for what they are. I find this to be very true of who I am as well. Empathy is integral to what makes me the nurse I am. To be able to feel what people are experiencing and put myself in their shoes is truly a gift that I have been blessed with. Input refers to my propensity for gathering information, collecting objects, and being a hoarder of sorts of collections and things that I find meaning in or a craving to more about. Adaptability speaks to my "go with flow" nature. I am very much present-oriented and can change my train of thought or activities in the blink of an eye. The future has yet to happen, so it is hard for me to put myself in the future for it is unknown, but the present is happening right before my eyes. And lastly, communication has come easily to me most of my life. Being able to express what I am thinking in written or spoken word is something that I have always been good at.

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