(Discover Wildlife, 2012)
Nursing Research as a Metaphor
To me, the research process reminds me of the phenomenon of metamorphosis. Quality research is complex, yet delicate, and requires multiple steps in order to take flight.
Research cannot be rushed and neither can metamorphosis.
The caterpillar is comparable to the research topic; small and insignificant on it's own, but when cultivated capable of transforming into something greater. The caterpillar spends its time carefully ingesting green leaves that will nourish it for the journey ahead, the same way the researcher uses their knowledge to pick a specific topic, able to hold it's own on the research journey.
The next stage, the chrysalis is in some ways comparable to the PICOT question. The chrysalis is strong, specific to the caterpillar, has an outcome and needs time to produce a butterfly. A solid PICOT question intertwines a specific population, intervention, comparison, outcome and time frame the same way the caterpillar spins it's cocoon.
The chrysalis stage is long and cannot be rushed, the same way that research cannot be rushed. It needs time, (quantitative research), and good elements ( qualitative research) in order to be effective and produce the final product.
Inside the cocoon the caterpillar is growing and adapting to it's new surroundings the same way the researcher tweaks the research project as new information emerges.
I cannot stress enough that shortcuts cannot be taken. I once tried to assist a butterfly out of it's cocoon. It quickly emerged but because it had not made the journey out itself, it was incapable of taking flight, lacking the strength to support itself. It crawled onto a nearby leaf and quickly faded. Research, if rushed, may be able to withstand critiques for the short term but soon fallacies will surface and its credibility with crumble.
So, like metamorphosis, if nurtured, cultivated, and allowed to develop over time, research has the potential to transform into something more beautiful than the starting point, something to marvel at, take note of, and enjoy.